Buy Cheap Apple iPad MB292LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi)

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Technical Details

- 9.7-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology. 1024-by-768-pixel resolution at 132 pixels per inch (ppi).
- 16GB flash drive with 1Ghz Apple A4 custom-designed system on a chip.
- Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n) Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology
- Box Contents:iPad Dock Connector to USB Cable 10W USB Power Adapter Documentation
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Customer Buzz
 "Over priced" 2010-09-27
By W. Avery (naples)
Unless I am missing something Apple Store sells the 64G plus wifi for 699.00 with free shipping. This sells for considerably more. Someone please help me out with this, am I missing something?

Customer Buzz
 "It's a bit of a toy." 2010-09-26
By Jack Showers (Louisiana)
I got a WiFi, non-3G version, the cheapest one; I don't need GPS and don't want to pay AT&T any more than I absolutely have to, and don't want another monthly subscription, either. Got plenty of those, it seems. And, at least for now, I don't need all that storage.

I'm not what one would consider a "Power User" of the iPad. I use a laptop constantly, and bought the iPad a couple of months ago because it is great looking and I was curious about it and I got a case of The Wants. I've been involved with computers since the mid-60's when I first was employed as an IBM 360 (and 1401 before that) programmer, and I've continued messing with them pretty heavily ever since, though I changed careers in the early 70's. Over the years, I've owned (in a small business) maybe 40 or 50 desktops and laptops, including several Apple IIe's way back when. I've always liked Apple products, but not used them due to the overwhelming prominence of DOS and Windows products (both software and hardware) and the excellent pricing of IBM clones.

But when the iPad came out, I couldn't help myself. I now pick it up several times a day and use it. I've taken it on trips without a laptop. Here's what I think, mostly.


1. It's cool. No avoiding it, the little fella is great looking and has that Apple minimalist approach to design that they do so well.

2. It's tiny. Well, small, anyway. That's good and maybe bad, but it does have its appeal.

3. Screen resolution seems creamy, silky smooth. Don't know how they did it, and don't really care. It's good.

4. I love Apple's approach to WiFi.... Walking into a new place, without even the slightest thought from you, the iPad finds an open connection and asks if you want to connect to it. If you say yes, you never hear from it again. Done. If the proper connection needs a WPA code or such, it simply asks for it. No fuss. (It seems like Windows, which I use for hours every day and have since it came out, has never really felt comfortable with wireless networking).

5. No keyboard. Well, face it, most of the time you don't use one, anyway. Not having it is OK. No mouse, either, for that matter. Good.

6. Scrolling is a dream. Fabulous. Effortless. Scrolling, something that simple, is probably the single thing this little unit does best. You have to try it to understand it.

7. One of my apps (I don't have many) is a flight simulator similar to MS Flight Simulator.... X-Plane. It allows pilots to practice instrument flying, so I got it. VERY cool. No joystick foolishness. You must rotate the iPad itself like you would a yoke and the airplane turns or climbs or descends, or whatever. Way easier than Windows products to do the same thing.

8. Pilot friends who use other apps for charts and such love it, so I would guess that all graphics applications work pretty well on the little system, though I haven't tried. Oh, yeah, Google Maps and Earth and such look great, too. Apple always has done graphics well, so no real surprise.

9. Ditto for video.

10. Battery life is great. Days on end at my level of usage.

11. My Blackberry has a cute feature (maybe everyone has it, now): When typing an email address or URL, when one presses the space bar, the OS converts it to a @ or a period, whichever is appropriate. The iPad takes that to another level.... There is a ".com" key that enters that when pressed. A small thing, but more helpful than one might think on a device where typing ain't as easy as using an IBM keyboard.


1. It's hard to hold and easy to drop. Needs a shell or something to protect it; that makes it as big as a netbook or small laptop, anyway.

2. Can't keep several "windows" open at the same time to switch back and forth. Not a horrible issue, because you can get back to a previous window relatively easily, but sometimes you'd like to have both open at the same time or be able to switch with a single click. If there's a way to do that I haven't found it.

3. Hotmail and Gmail don't work like they do on a laptop. Or on a Blackberry Storm2, for that matter. I don't know the issue, but I can't seem to find a way to send a new email (though it's easy enough to reply). I'm sure there is some app or setting to fix it, but I really don't want to be troubled with that. I just want it to work. Like the way WiFi does. (Since I wrote this, I actually went into the email setup and set it up; it works, but I would prefer to use Hotmail and Gmail as pure web based apps rather than something more akin to a cell phone feature, which, of course, it is).

4. You can't print from it. I've read that there is a wireless printing feature in the next OS. Waiting to see.

5. When working with it in your lap, either in a chair or a recliner or bed, a laptop is just more well suited for the job. The iPad has to be held up, and, the screen is lower, so you are craning your neck more. I don't use a stand to put it in. Things like that and the case to put it in detract from the advantage of small size, so you might as well use a small laptop which will make you happier in the long run for this sort of thing.

6. No keyboard. And don't tell me they make a keyboard for it. If I have to buy that, I might as well get a laptop. Typing on the screen is a trip. If you use the virtual keyboard holding the iPad in the "landscape" position the keyboard is large, and a little awkward to span the keys with your thumb. So, you end up turning the iPad up to the "portrait" position where the keyboard is better suited to thumb-typing. I haven't tried typing in the traditional way ("touch typing").... I just reach for the laptop. I'm using my Lenovo to type this review.

7. OK, here we go.... No Flash. Now, I don't have a dog in this fight, but I don't understand this. Every now and then (pretty often, actually) some video will come up and the iPad will tell me that it doesn't do Flash. (Happens frequently on sports and news sites). I never even knew what Flash was before this issue came up. Well, Apple wants me to go to iTunes to download their app that will let you view Flash files. OK, y'all, why didn't you just put it in the iPad from the get-go? I just want it to work. Yesterday, I wanted to watch a video of a Tropical Storm in the Caribbean, so I clicked on the link to go get Apple's app. Then I had to cycle through a few pages on iTunes. Heck with it. I just used the laptop (which has a larger screen, anyway). There's a saying: "People don't want quarter inch drills, they want quarter inch holes. "

So, what's the upshot?

I like it. I'd buy it again. No, I wouldn't wait for the Android competitors to come out. Well, I am curious about those and might get one of them, too, just to check it out. But, the WiFi-only iPad is a nice, polite little computer.

I do want to say this, and it's one of those potentially inflammatory things, but I don't mean it like that.... It's more of a toy than a tool. If I am really in need getting things done.... Spreadsheets, presentations, documents, etc, it's really hard to beat the tried and true Windows laptops that are available everywhere and are dirt cheap and fit in with the way things are done and the formats that are used throughout the business community.

So, sure I use it. This morning (a Sunday) I've been using it.... looking at airplanes for sale (daydreaming) and checking out a few football forums and generally surfing the web. So, if this review seems a bit too negative, that's not really intended. I like it.

That said, a would-be buyer needs to understand what it is that he is getting, and what that is, is something of a media machine that requires you conform to Apple's way of doing things, a very good little web surfboard and a pretty neat little toy.

Customer Buzz
 "Nice, but not perfect" 2010-09-24
By -=BlackStrike=-
As a professional photographer, I do see iPad as quite an useful tool for my portfolio presentations. I mean, be honest - if you get a photographer to bring you 10 lbs book with 50 prints inside and one that would give you this cool little gadget for preview of his photos, which one would leave better impression in this age?

Resolution isn't the best of the best but it is above 99% of other devices of similar nature and combined with 10" screen and 10 hours battery life, I think I'll be buying one of these soon.

But not from Amazon though. I've seen them in Apple store in Portland's Maine Mall and they're $499.95, which is already far below what you pay here. This is one of rare times that Amazon has disappointed me - I expected competitive prices and instead got outrageously different thing.

I gave it 4 stars because of price on Amazon but mostly because it doesn't play Flash content. Everything else about this device makes it a rising star. I just wish it could hold charge even longer so I can read books, but what the heck, I have my e-book reader for that. ;)

Gadget guy, out! :D

Customer Buzz
 "Compare Before U buy from Overpriced Vendors" 2010-09-24
By L. Feighery
Why does Amzon allow such price gouging from some of it's vendors. These iPads are priced almost one hundred dollars above retail.Apple iPad Tablet (64GB, Wifi + 3G)

Customer Buzz
 "Maybe it is just a big iTouch" 2010-09-24
By C. D. Murphy (Natick, MA United States)
Bought this and hooked it up to my iTunes account. After registering it, Apple disabled my iTunes. And there is no way to contact them other than e-mail and they don't respond to it. So I have this new toy, and the only thing I know is that they spend billions to create "there's an app for that" and not one cent on customer support. So with no apps that I can buy (you can't even download free ones when they inexplicable disable your iTunes), this thing is probably worse than an iTouch. It's no better than my iPod other than a big screen for shows. But I didn't need that really. It's been a big waste of money and I'm going to return it.

And yes, the Wifi is pretty iffy too. It works great at home, but everywhere else is a crapshoot. And if it you let it close down to conserve power, you have to reconnect to get the Wifi you already had. There's probably an app that might help that.....but how would I know.

I would avoid this (will return mine) and go for a netbook.

I know this will fall on deaf ears to the followers of Apple kult. But if you aren't one of those, I would really think long and hard about spending $500 or more on something that will shut down your iTunes and make your first PC from back in the 90's seem like it is cutting edge. I mean, even those had solitaire.

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